ACES ETM Login: A Comprehensive Guide

The ACES ETM Login is the gateway to manage your employee account and stay updated with your work schedule, payroll, and other company news if you’re an employee of L Brands – a company that operates various retail businesses such as Victoria’s Secret, Bath & Body Works, and more. This guide will help you understand the steps to successfully login to ACES ETM and tips to troubleshoot common login issues.

Accessing the ACES ETM Login Portal

To access the ACES ETM login portal, you need to visit the official ACES ETM website. From there, you can select whether you are logging in as a store associate or a home office/Distribution Center (DC) associate. Different portals are made available to cater to the different roles within the company.

How to Login to ACES ETM

  1. Visit the ACES ETM portal via your chosen web browser.
  2. Choose the type of associate you are (store, home office, or DC).
  3. You’ll be redirected to the login page where you need to input your User ID and password. The User ID is your L Brands seven-digit associate ID number, which you should have received when you started your employment.
  4. Click the “Submit” button.
  5. If the credentials entered are correct, you will be granted access to your ACES ETM employee dashboard.

Troubleshooting Login Issues

Forgotten User ID or Password

If you have forgotten your User ID, it’s recommended to contact your HR department or immediate supervisor. They should be able to provide you with your seven-digit associate ID number.

In case you have forgotten your password, there is an option available on the login page that says ‘Forgot your password?’. By clicking this, you will be redirected to a page where you can reset your password.

Other Technical Difficulties

If you encounter other technical issues while trying to log in, it could be due to a few reasons. Your internet connection might be unstable, or the ACES ETM portal may be undergoing maintenance. It’s advised to first check your internet connectivity and then try again after some time.

If the problem persists, contact the L Brands’ technical helpdesk or your supervisor to assist you.


In essence, the ACES ETM login process is straightforward and user-friendly, aimed at providing an efficient way for employees to manage their professional details. If you encounter any issues during login, remember to take the appropriate troubleshooting steps or seek help when necessary. With the right knowledge, you’ll be able to make full use of this valuable tool and streamline your work-life balance.

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